Friday, September 16, 2022

18 Today by Mick Mykola Dementiuk


18 Today

from short story in Times Square Queer

also, short story in Stallers 

published also in Velvet Mafia (ezine now out-of-print)

 by Mykola Dementiuk 

I peered over the stall door and saw him seated on the toilet bowl, leaning back against the rear flush pipe, his pants and shorts lowered to his knees, his thighs outspread, his hand around his stiff cock and quickly jerking off. 

His eyes were dreamily shut, as though envisioning some particular remembered scanty image from the movie downstairs --the way a tit bulged out of a bra, the way a hand groped at an ass, the way a body moved onto a body-- that a few times his masturbation grew even more speeded and rapid as the recalled image grew in intensity and fervor. 

Was he now fucking her? I wondered, watching his thighs and torso clench and slightly jolt off the toilet seat.

It had been less than half an hour since I had seen him outside the Bryant ticket booth angrily pulling out his wallet and passing a mangled frayed olive card to the fat ticket seller. 

He was round-faced and long-haired, wearing boots and jeans and a denim jacket over a thick wooled sweater. He shifted from leg to leg, has face a ruddy flush of anger, humiliation, disgust, obviously self-conscious at being stopped and held up by the intrusive ticket-seller and standing so openly outside a soft-porn movie house. 

I had forgotten what it was like to be underage and trying to enter a sex theater, though the reminders of age were everywhere, plastered in between and around the arcade displays of big-breasted sex-starved bimbos, as if hung there by some spiteful teaser: Sex-Sex-Sex-No One Under 18 Admitted! 

On one display panel the prohibitive words even appeared in a giant comic-strip bubble coming out of a giant bimbo's mouth: Sorry Boys, I Need A MAN!...No One Under 18 Admitted!

I approached behind him and glared at the fat ticket seller: always in the same dandruff-sprinkled black dress; always the same stern eyes judging, deeming; always the same pursed red lips admonishing: No Drinking! No Sleeping! No Loitering in the Men's Room! while passing over an entry stub. I'm certain that here was the composer and designer of the Under 18 signs.

Pig! I thought, and as though reading my mind, she glared at me and gestured for my money.

I blushed, but nodded at the long-haired boy and whispered, Excuse me, and inched before him (hoping at least our pants would touch and rub against each other) and slid my two dollars through the tiny open crack.

The fatso set down told the boy's ID card and took my money, turning over one of the bills so they both lay face up, then pressed a green button atop her counter. A tiny metal sliver popped open before the button and a small blue ticket snapped out of the metal mouth. She pulled out the ticket, tore it in half, then passed one of the torn stubs with a two-penny change back through the small window opening. 

(I had once her to keep the change, but whether it was management policy of her own resentment at the humiliating offer of a tip, but she refused to click open the turnstile to let me enter the theater until I took the meager two-cents out of the window slot.)

I pocket the coins and smiled at the flustered long-haired boy, then flicked my stub to the floor, slowly moving through the impatiently clicking turnstile. 

(That was the problem with most of the theaters on 42nd Street, matronly ticket sellers ensconced in their booths and in a glance measuring and judging your worthiness, your demeanor, your perversions. your sexuality. Judging and condemning. 

A few times across the street at the Pix, I was even denied entry by an old fart who studied me each night I approached her booth then slammed down a wooden block before her change slot and shook her head, Sold Out! No Seats! 

Huh, sold out!? Since when did the jumpy grainy black and white film A Secretary's Dream become a cult classic? Or was it the sleeper on the twin bill, Her 3 Daughters? 

Fortunately, the Pix guardian wasn't there long and soon disappeared from her booth, and I was able to regain admission once again into the always desolate Pix orchestra seats and crowded balcony seats...but I rarely even got a chance to see more than a few frames of the Sold Out! cinematic classics.)

18 today, eh? I suddenly heard the fatso's smirking yelping voice behind me; I did not turn around. 

Pig! I silently cursed again, wincing at the sound of her shrill voice, and pulled open the glass entrance door and entered the long brightly lit mirror-lined passageway leading into the theater.

I trod a few steps and paused before one full-length mirror. I looked back at the image of the boy trying to enter the Bryant but could not see his face --his long hair draped down the side of his lowered head-- but I'm certain it was now even more flustered with embarrassment and resentment, probably even regretting the foolhardy attempt of trying to enter a theater meant for adults, even if today he had turned of age and was now a legal adult. 

I felt sorry for the boy and looked at the fatso's reflection: she was smiling (something she rarely did in her booth), that I clearly made out her smirking lips telling him not to loiter in the men's room.

I quickly turned away from the mirror and moved up the passageway. Behind me I heard the onrush on 42nd street traffic surge through the opening/closing door and the taunting clicking of the turnstile continue after the boy had passed through.

Fucking pig! I cursed again and bustled up the passageway and entered the flickering lit theater auditorium.

Unlike most of the other movie houses on 42nd Street, the Bryant was constructed without a balcony, just a single sloping tier of orchestra seats drifting down towards the large movie screen at the front of the theater. 

It had become a haphazard and risky quest for a grope of a thigh and crotch, as the borders were unclearly defined and uncertain. Though the crammed back rows were the usual blatant roosting grounds of fags, it was possible, and also exciting to sometimes sit in a front seat and get a more satisfying and pleasurable handful than from anything in the back.

It's like the difference between a whore and a virgin, getting it from a cunt giving it out is one thing, winning it from a saint holding back is quite another. 

Yet in a sparsely filled porno house the temptation could also be dangerous. 

For how do you walk down an aisle and pass rows of vacant seats and finally enter a row where a long figure sits, his legs outspread, his hand in his lap, his crotch an evident hardon, but his eyes and face glaring at your interruption?

And how do you read his glance: a threat to keep away, or an inducement to sit down?

And where do you sit: a seat away, or the seat beside him?

The long-haired boy came into the auditorium and without even giving his eyes the needed time to adjust to the darkness and flickering movie screen light, surged down the aisle to the front of the theater and dropped into a vacant aisle seat. 

I smiled. 

Give him some time, I thought, studying the distant faint lump of his head and sloped shoulders. 

Give him time to stew over the fatso and to slowly forget and to gaze up at the screen and concentrate on the tits and asses and simulated fucking.

Give him time to relax and calm down and get a good hardon.

Give him time so his hardon would pulse and he'd hesitantly brush his fingers over his crotch, then more boldly, attempt a furtive squeeze of his cock, and finally, checking the empty seats around him, begin to confidently masturbate through his denim pants.

Give hm time, give him lots of time to where my entry would by then not be an intrusion but a welcome substitute, a sort of fake consolation prize for the arousal induced by the equally fake sex acts on the screen. 

For that's what made theaters like the Pix and Bryant so enticing and alluring. Though on the outside they were remnants of legitimate movie palaces which once presented feature dramas and comedies, and now turned to the exhibit of sex to survive.

The darkened interiors had also adapted with the change from patrons who wept or laughed with the films to the current clientele who eyes and groped and sucked each other and barely even glanced at the distant screen.

Yet while the porn film may have concentrated on female bulbous tits, curvaceous asses, garter straps lining fleshy thighs, the audience for these films was in actuality a contradiction in terms. The fact that a woman willingly took off on the screen only seemed to make it that much safer for the reality of males to mingle against each other in back rows and crowded balconies.

Entering the theater, you maintained your facade of straight heterosexuality, stressing, Heck, I'm only going to see naked big-titted broads!

And in the darkness conspire with your self-deceit into blaming the film's successful arousal by your lapse of letting some fag dip his fingers to your knee, slide them to your thigh, and circle them round your crotch.

Just keep looking straight ahead, concentrate on the huge tit, explore the close-up nipple. That's right, get a good glimpse of her panty crotch. And help me with your zipper, help me get your cock out of your shorts. C'mon, that's it. Heck, a handjob is a handjob, ain't it? 

I lit a cigarette and decided that he'd had enough time and should be hard by now. I would approach him from the front, I imagined. If I came slowly up the aisle, the screen movie light behind me, perhaps he'd recognize me from the ticket booth.

All I needed was an acknowledgment, a slight nod of the head, something familiar and recognized in the eyes, a puffing of the nostrils, and a faint smile.

It wouldn't matter if he still wasn't ready for a handjob, much less a blowjob, as long as I got near him. Because sometimes the play movements of getting close to someone were often as exciting as the actual touch of a crotch or a cock.

Many times, I'd masturbate recalling myself approaching a stranger, with the wariness of making contact. The hesitant uncertainty of my appraisal, of whether the reading of the signs was correct. And then, the thrill of acting on my resolve and taking a chance and being rewarded with the first sensation of physical contact, even if it be nothing more than a subtle brushing of my knees against his.

I took a few more puffs, stubbed out my cigarette and stared down the aisle, keeping the lump of his head in constant sight as a sort of target and destination.

His shoulders had sagged beneath the back rest of his seat and I'm certain by now he had his hand in his crotch, responding to the promptings and inducements of the half-dressed sexy girls on the screen. Because the best movie house ejaculations are always the ones synchronized to the movements of the characters of the film.

To touch and feel a crotch when one is groped on the screen. To masturbate when an actor was simulating the same. And to finally erupt in a mutual orgasm with not only the fake panting movie characters, but also with the ejaculating cocks in the seats around you.

But I should have stayed at the back of the theater, given him, and myself, a little more time, for as I came down the aisle his indistinct head and stooped shoulders suddenly rose from the seat and moved up the aisle towards me. 

Did my knees buckle in fear? Did I sigh in regret? Did my face wince at the disappointment?

He had taken off his denim jacket and carried it in his hand as he came up sloped carpet aisle. I slightly shifted my pace to the left, certain in just a few steps I could maneuver my pace so as to be struck on the leg by the sleeve of the swinging jacket.

Was it still warm from having covered his crotch?

But he casually tossed the jacket onto his other and passed by without a glance; all I felt was a meager waft of air as we moved by each other. 

What a cunning tramp! 18 today, but already knows all the teasing tricks! First the alluring aisle seat, and now this...

Ah, but I knew the ruse only too well... Many times I had walked up an aisle doing just that, alternating my newspaper, my jacket, my hat, from hand to hand, disguising my hardon with a clever sleight of hand, a magician's ruse, drawing to my hat or coat, while my cock was desperate for center stage.

Still, I entered the vacant row he had stepped out of and sat in the seat next to his. From the front row movie lights, I could clearly make out the crushed contour in the fake-leather seat bottom: two large indentations and a small rising puff in the middle, as though a death-mask of his ass.

I bent over the armrest and lowered my face to the seat. A tinge of warmth and presence flitted against my nose and lips. I gently moved my fingers atop the seat, careful to leave the rounded contour undisturbed. 

I dabbed the two cheek-shapes and stroked the elongated puff spewing between the cheeks and dropping over the front edge of the seat. It was like a massive, indented cock and balls. 

I sat back up and grabbed my own crotch. I glanced around, making sure he wasn't coming back down the aisle, then lifted his seat to preserve the ass-shape, and stepped out of the row, my hard cock pushing at the front of my pants. 

I had nothing to cover my evident stiffness with and didn't care; I surged up the aisle after him.

The Bryant had no real lounge area, just a few soda and candy machines in the mirrored walkway out front, with the restrooms up a narrow flight of stairs next to the projection booth one flight up.

I looked at the solitary purring machines, then moved past a few figures lingering at the foot of the stairway, keeping my eyes off their tempting crotches --I only had one in mind-- and bustled up the narrow stairway. 

 It happens at some point halfway up the narrow stairwell that the putrid bathroom of urine, shit, vomit, and disinfectant penetrate your nostrils. It isn't a slow seeping into your pores and senses and awareness, but a quick explosion and spill of bodily excess that is tossed at you from the top of the stairs as though to repel or entice you closer. I climbed higher.

Every night, after the pictures ran, they'd shut the theater for a few hours to sweep up and cleanse the bathroom tiles, the enamel, the porcelain, but the next day the urine spills back to the fleer, the shit is smeared on the bowls, the scum is dribbled out of cocks, spat out of mouths, compressed in wadded toilet paper, left floating atop of turds and bubbled piss, and each evening savored by a constant assembly of gawkers, snifters, masturbaters, gropers, dreamers.

Because sex in the theaters and balconies and bathrooms is always peopled by others, not in the sense of an orgiastic participation, rather, an aloof observing and peeping.

Whether on the curving stairways, in the darked seats, or over stall partitions, I recall evert touching or being touched by another, without someone standing nearby and gazing at the feeling and pawing. 

Sometimes, though it's happened rarely, the observer would step in to be a participant. While deep on my knees before a crotch, I'd feel a hand on my shoulder, a body crouching and pressing to mine, another's lips on my neck, a mouth against my cheek, that I'd release the cock I was sucking and share it with him, our tongues and teeth and lips quickly lathered in scum, spit and dribbles of urine. 

This is the purity of balcony/bathroom sex: the un-possessiveness of sharing and giving and taking. There is no love, and neither is it expected. Yet I have been held more tenderly by a brief stranger than I have ever been embraced by a familiar friend or lover.

I have been kissed and fondled as gently as one would a child, and as a child I responded with trust and openness. There is no ownership, and no one strives for possession. It occurs suddenly, lasts briefly, and hurries on to others.

I entered the men's room and looked at the cubicles: they were both occupied, their doors shut, yet I brightened at the sight of rumpled jeans and pointy-toed boots beneath one of the stall doors. 

An old figure, gray and fat, stood at the urinals looking at me over his shoulder, though shielding himself from view. I ignored him and moved to the stalls. I took a breath and stretched up to peer over the stall door.

The long-haired boy was on a toilet seat, his eyes closed, and quickly jerking off.

I smiled.

18 today, and I wished I could summon naked women and smear their feminine perfumed flesh not only into his thoughts and fantasies but into his constant reality. I wished I could smother him in massive tits and tight cunts and soft asses. Drown him in vaginal ooze and lactated bilge. Choke and gag him in sweated garters, soiled bras, crusted nylons. 

For this is why I came to porno theaters, and probably always will: to teem and share my body and erotic thoughts with other bodies, male and female. To people my senses, my pores, my dreams, my imagination with flesh on the vital point of lust, craving, need, explosion. To dream that I am a part of the reality of another. 

But is it a dream? If something is intangible, out of possible reach and touch, flitting before the eyes, teasing, as an image in pre-sleep, always darting and moving, always calling and beckoning, illogically formed or formless. 

And you, just as in sleep, a fool panting in pursuit, reaching and grasping at air, find yourself stirring, as though awakening, and sigh alone, has the dream been worth it?

How many days have I gone without a touch, a positive glance, a crude grope? Yet the image is always real, even if the reality is often unattainable.

So, I will dream and pursue. I will footsteps and gaze into eyes and hope for a glint of encouragement, a spark of enticement, a flame of longing.

And if not, I will close my eyes and dream and quest for the same in visions and fantasies.

For it is a dream, a beautiful dream, a sleepwalk even, a primitive lucidity of cave paintings, of shadowed forms, a distant fires.

I am afraid, but I will dream. I will be desperate for touch, and perhaps cowardly at the possibility of touching back. But I will continue to dream. And who dares deny that the dream be called Love? For I call it Love...

I sighed. I was content. And as though in response to my contentment the masturbating boy yelped and buckled on the toilet seat, ejaculating and doubling over. I saw the back of his head, with his long hair shaking and streaming down the sides of his neck into his shirt/seater collar.

Suddenly, a balding head peered over the dividing partition from the other stall, the forehead was flushed and sweated and I'm certain he too had been jerking off. We looked down at the doubled-over boy, that I hoped he was careful not to soil his sweater too much.

I stepped away from the stall and moved to the urinals. The old fat was still there, turned and showed me dis dropping flaccid penis. I unzipped my pants halfway and heard cubicle door open.

I turned, as the long-haired boy stepped out the cubicle, gazed at the men standing about with their dicks out, and shuffled to the sinks. He ran water over his hands, brushing and stroking back his long brown hair a loose ponytail in back of his head. 

He noticed me staring as he pursed his forehead in trying to place the recollection, then blushed when I smiled, turned and walked out of the men's room.

18 today, I thought and smirked at the old fat figure trying to reach out my crotch. 18 today, I wondered, as I zippered up and stepped away from the urinals. 18 today, as I ran out the men's room and down the stairs. 18 today, I could as the least wish him a Happy 18th Birthday!




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